4 Recommendations for LGBT Allies in the Business World

Our Co-Founder & CEO, Chance Mitchell, once stated “Economic and social visibility go hand-in-hand as we march toward equality and opportunity for all.”

There are a multitude of ways to be an LGBT business ally. From working alongside LGBT individuals in the workforce to purchasing from LGBT owned businesses, being an ally in the business world is important! These recommendations will give you some pointers on how to support the LGBT folks in your own communities.

1. Be Inclusive in Communication
Educating yourself and others on inclusivity standards is key. Ask for pronouns, and correct those who use someone’s incorrect pronouns or identities. Creating an inclusive environment is a group effort, and an ally’s job is to protect and advocate for LGBT individuals. Amplify the voices of those around you.  Don’t be afraid of getting it wrong– the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) and our partners are here to help you ask the tough questions that lead to meaningful change and more inclusive business ecosystems.

2. Be Intersectional in Your Own Work Environments
Recognizing that not all LGBT individuals have the same experiences and backgrounds is essential. LGBT folks all have different experiences based identity and background. Understanding the complexities of identity is needed, especially in work environments.

3. Listen and Speak Up
It is not an ally’s job to fully understand the scope of someone’s struggles and experiences. The job of an ally is to be a listener, and understand that an LGBT person’s experiences can be very different from your own. Listening is the foundation of a positive ally.

But, being an LGBT ally also means speaking up. If you hear derogatory or offensive statements, report them. Your role is to help your LGBT friends feel safe and accepted!

4. Buy from LGBT-owned Businesses
Support LGBT owned businesses in your own community! Do your research on LGBT owners in your area and buy from local and diverse businesses. Making an effort to purchase from an LGBT business can help that company expand and grow.

Educating oneself on LGBT business allyship is essential to promoting an inclusive environment, in the workplace and in your personal lives. Equality will thrive when all aspects of life are equal, including business and the workforce.

For more information on how to get certified as an LGBT business, click here


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