NGLCC Opposes SCOTUS Reinstatement of Transgender Military Ban

January 22, 2019
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) has issued the following statement in the face of the Supreme Court’s decision to stay lower court decisions blocking President Trump’s ban of transgender servicemembers from the military.  Statement to be attributed to NGLCC Co-Founder & President Justin Nelson and NGLCC Co-Founder & CEO Chance Mitchell:

“NGLCC and our partners reaffirm our position that transgender Americans are a vital part of every facet of American life, from growing our businesses to keeping our families safe through military service. We urge the judges in Trump v. Karnoski and Trump v. Stockman, as well as the Supreme Court, to block any measure and overturn any judgment that would remove them from active military service. Anything short of that is blatant discrimination against those brave transgender citizens willing to serve, and even die for, their country.

The previous administration ended an eighteen-year ban on gays & lesbians serving openly in the military, ensured same-sex partner benefits, and expanded workplace protections to LGBT federal contractors throughout the service branches– citing moral and economic imperatives for doing so.  The Trump administration must realize what damage blocking America’s transgender service members will do for our military readiness and economic health at home, and moral leadership around the world.”

NGLCC continues to provide resources for members of the transgender and non-binary community interested in becoming a Certified LGBTBE® through our Trans Taskforce. Learn more about the programs we offer for transgender and non-binary business owners by viewing our Trans Taskforce here.  Additionally, NGLCC, our affiliate chambers, and our Corporate Partners notified the White House and Congress that we will not stand for the erasure of transgender Americans and will continue to fight for their full economic and social inclusion.


The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) is the business voice of the LGBT community and is the largest global not-for-profit advocacy organization specifically dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBT people. NGLCC is the exclusive certification body for LGBT-owned businesses. @nglcc

Jonathan Lovitz
Senior Vice President, NGLCC


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