NGLCC Statement Condemning Charlottesville, VA Attack

NGLCC released the following statement in condemnation of the attack against Americans in Charlottesville, Virginia:

“The NGLCC and our allies in business will not remain silent in the face of attacks on America’s diverse communities. Charlottesville must be a wakeup call that we cannot ignore the hatred that exists against Americans based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ability, and more. Diversity is the lifeblood of this nation, and celebrating our diversity is essential for our moral and economic wellbeing.

The hearts of the NGLCC family go out to those harmed by these attacks, and attacks like this around the world. Our outrage must be focused on supporting the health and wellbeing of our diverse communities, ensuring their voices are elevated, celebrated, and encouraged to thrive.  There has never been a more important time for solidarity among America’s diverse communities, our allies, and the businesses who believe in them.”

Attributed to NGLCC Co-Founder & President Justin Nelson and Co-Founder & CEO Chance Mitchell

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The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is the business voice of the LGBT community and is the largest global advocacy organization specifically dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBT people. NGLCC is the exclusive certification body for LGBT-owned businesses. | @NGLCC

Jonathan Lovitz
Senior Vice President



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